Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common health complaints in humans. Acute low back pain (also called lumbago) is the fifth most common reason for physician visits in the U.S. Nearly nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults have back pain every year.

Unless your back pain falls under one of the Serious Conditions listed below, the following explanations and remedies will help you tremendously. Back pain has very little to do with your back. It is one of the most prevalent human conditions, and the cause is very simple. People have simply been looking in the wrong place for the answer. In a nutshell, the healthier you are, the less back pain you will have. Yes, that could be said for pretty much all health conditions. To be more specific, all back pain originates from a weakness or dysfunction of a specific internal organ. If you support that internal action or function, your back will get better.

How about the fact that most back issues begin with some sort of minor injury? The question is why was your body able to sustain the injury? With exception to physical traumas, like a car accident or a tree falling on you, the only reason your body became injured was because there was already a precursor weakness in that area. Why was that weakness there? The internal organ function or action was not working efficiently to begin with.

Example: You have never had a physical trauma like a tree falling on you. Yet you have this recurring back issue that flares up if you stand too long or twist a little and reach for something. The muscles that constrict and cause you pain are controlled by how healthy an internal function is. That means that what you feel in your back is a symptom of what is going on inside your body. 90% of the time I find it is a bowel issue. Either a food allergy or minor infection, but something is irritating bowel function. If you resolve the bowel issue, the inflammation of the bowel decreases and the inflammation of the muscles in the low back go away. The other 10% is typically an issue in the reproductive system.

  • If your pain is because you over did it, as in you exerted yourself beyond what your physical limitations were capable of, it will either go away or you can use the Sprain/Strain remedy. This remedy is also effective for healing old injuries that just never seem to get resolved (muscle & fascia). NOTE: to those doing heavy lifting, including lifting weights, proper form is critical to avoid injury and pain.
  • If the issue you have is in any of your joints, use the Sprain/Strain with the Cartilage/Disc Support.
  • If your pain is in the tailbone area (lowest part of the spine), add the Thyroid Support. If this does not help enough, get some Vitamin B6 and take it as directed. The tailbone is also associated with calcium storage and sufficient Iodine so those may need to be addressed.
  • If the pain is in the sacrum, which is between the tailbone and the low back, you probably have an imbalance in the reproductive system and need support for your Prostate or Uterus.
  • If your pain is in the low back, as it is in the majority of cases, it is almost always due to problems with the Large Intestine. Please read the elimination article in the Blog. If your back issue is persistent, look into food allergies as it can cause bowel inflammation and subsequent back pain.
  • If the pain you have is from a disc condition like herniation, use the Sprain/Strain, Cartilage/Disc and lots of Digestive Aid enzymes .. like 6 or more capsules with each meal (3x/daily).

It has been suggested, and I tend to agree, that emotions have a big part to play with back pain. Look at stressors you might have with relationships in your life.

Serious Conditions
Approximately 98% of back pain patients who actually go to the medical doctor complaining of back pain are diagnosed with nonspecific acute back pain which has no serious underlying pathology. However, secondary back pain which is caused by an underlying condition accounts for nearly 2% of the cases. Underlying pathology in these cases may include metastatic cancer, spinal osteomyelitis (infection), spinal stenosis (narrowing) and epidural abscess. Typical warning signs of a potentially life- threatening problem involving low back pain are bowel and/or bladder incontinence or progressive weakness in the legs. Severe back pain (such as pain that is bad enough to interrupt sleep) that occurs with other signs of severe illness (e.g. fever, unexplained weight loss) may also indicate a serious underlying medical condition.

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Back Pain Relief Remedy

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Cartilage/Disc Support Remedy

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Large Intestine Support Remedy

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Thyroid Support Remedy

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