Arthropod/Vector Bacteria Chemicals Fungus /Mold / Yeast Metals Parasites Virus Other

Echo (Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan) viruses are found in the gastrointestinal tract (hence it being part of the enterovirus genus) and exposure to these viruses causes other opportunistic infections and diseases. Echovirus is highly infectious, and its primary target is children. The echovirus is among the leading causes of acute febrile illness in infants and young children, and is the most common cause of aseptic meningitis. Infection of an infant with this virus following birth may cause severe systemic diseases and is associated with high infant mortality rates. The echovirus can mimic symptoms caused by other common bacterial and viral infections.

Some viral replications of an echovirus occur in the nasopharynx after infection and then spread to regional lymph nodes. However, most viral particles are swallowed and they reach the lower abdominal tract, where the virus is presumed to bind to specific receptors. The virus then spreads to the lower intestinal tract, replicating but not causing any major cellular effects along the way. Then the virus spreads to many secondary sites in the body such as the central nervous system, liver, spleen, bone marrow, heart and finally the lungs. Additional replication of the virus will occur, causing symptoms 4 to 6 days after infection. The most deadly part is delayed when symptoms of a central nervous system disease start to appear. Echoviruses are capable of infecting any cell in the body and are highly infectious. They can spread through the air to other hosts 1–3 weeks after infection and through feces to other hosts eight weeks after infection.

Echovirus disease occurs disproportionately in males and children. Infection within the first two weeks of birth can cause devastating and potentially fatal disease. In this population, death usually results from overwhelming liver failure or myocarditis, rather than infection of the central nervous system. Older children and adults have a better prognosis. Myocarditis is the most frequent complication in adults. Echovirus, like the other Enteroviruses Coxsackievirus A and B, typically cause a mild, nonspecific illness with a low fever. It may also produce a rash that spreads from the face down to the neck, upper extremities, and chest. Laboratory diagnosis is made with acute and convalescent titers of serum antibodies to Echovirus.

Causes of echovirus infections (Acute meningitis) can be placed in several categories. The main causes of infection are from overcrowded conditions such as the poor districts of a city and poor hygiene. Echoviruses are transmitted person-to-person with the fecal-oral route as the predominant mode, although transmission can occur via respiration of oral secretions such as saliva. Indirect transmission occurs through numerous routes, including contaminated water, food, and fomites (inanimate objects). Contaminated swimming and wading pools can also transmit the virus. In addition, there are well-documented reports of transmission via the contaminated hands of hospital personnel.

It is more effective to Detox the entire family of viruses in this category, so the Enterovirus is the remedy of choice if you believe Echovirus is a concern.

Enterovirus Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Enterovirus and related species

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Hepatitis A-E Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Hepatitis A-E and related species

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Influenza Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Influenza and related species

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Morbillivirus Detox Remedy

Detoxification of Measles and related species

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Arthropod/Vector Bacteria Chemicals Fungus /Mold / Yeast Metals Parasites Virus Other

Enteroviruses are a genus of viruses associated with several human and mammalian diseases. On the basis of their pathogenesis in humans and animals, the enteroviruses were originally classified into four groups, all of which (along with all serotypes) are included in the Enterovirus Detox Remedy: polioviruses, Coxsackie A viruses (CA), Coxsackie B viruses (CB), and Echoviruses.

Enteroviruses affect millions of people worldwide each year and are often found in the respiratory secretions (e.g., saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus) and stool of an infected person. Currently, there are 62 non-polio enteroviruses that can cause disease in humans: 23 Coxsackie A viruses, 6 Coxsackie B viruses, 28 echoviruses, and 5 other enteroviruses. Poliovirus, as well as coxsackie and echovirus are spread through the fecal-oral route.

Diseases caused by Enterovirus infections:

  • Poliomyelitis (the cause of Polio) is the most notable disease caused by enterovirus infection.
  • Nonspecific febrile illness is the most common presentation of enterovirus infection. Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, sore throat, gastrointestinal distress, and headache. Abdominal discomfort may also be reported in some patients.
  • Enteroviruses are by far the most common causes of aseptic meningitis in children. In the United States, enteroviruses are responsible for 30,000 to 50,000 meningitis hospitalizations per year as a result of 30 to 50 million infections.
  • Pleurodynia is characerized by severe paroxysmal pain in the chest and abdomen, along with fever, and sometimes nausea, headache, and emesis.
  • Pericarditis and/or myocarditis (inflammation of heart) are typically caused by enteroviruses. Symptoms consist of fever with dyspnea (shortness of breath) and chest pain. Arrhythmias, heart failure, and myocardial infarction have also been reported.
  • Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (eye) can be caused by enteroviruses.
  • Herpangina is caused by Coxsackie A virus and results in a vesicular rash in the oral cavity and on the pharynx, along with high fever, sore throat, malaise, and often dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), loss of appetite, back pain, and headache. It is also self limiting, with symptoms typically ending in 3–4 days.
  • Hand, foot and mouth disease is a childhood illness most commonly caused by infection from Coxsackie A virus or EV71.
  • Encephalitis is rare manifestation of enterovirus infection, but it does occur.
  • Bornholm disease (causes flu like symptoms) is enteroviral in origin.
  • A 2007 study suggested that acute respiratory or gastrointestinal infections associated with enterovirus may be a factor in chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Entero Detox Remedy actually covers the entire Picornavirus family, of which Entero and many other viruses are a sub-class. See full list of what this Detox Contains here.
Enterovirus Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Enterovirus and related species

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Hepatitis A-E Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Hepatitis A-E and related species

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Influenza Detox Remedy

Detoxification of all Influenza and related species

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Morbillivirus Detox Remedy

Detoxification of Measles and related species

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