My motto for discovering the secrets to health and wellness always begin with, “How was it intended to be?” As in, “How did nature create it to be?” With this concept driving my search for a solution, I used to say that if we were intended to have a colonic, we would have been designed with a spicket on our hind end. But then, I also believe one can learn from nature and from time to time, a heron will suck up a beak full of water, twist its neck around and insert the beak into its own anus, squirting the water deep into its bowels to flush out the putrid debris and other residue from its fish-based diet. So perhaps we should consider the benefits of flushing the colon with water. Add the fact that just about every disease you can think of has been either reversed, halted or greatly decreased by doing colon flushes, and it seems we have all the proof we need.
There are many supplement products on the market promoting to help the body flush waste material from the colon, gallbladder and various tissues. Some products promote the elimination of parasites, candida or other “bad guys”. But all of these parasites, candidas and other toxins are only in your body, only an issue, because you have accumulated waste that serves to host them. Imagine finding mold under your kitchen sink. There is no mystery how it got there, it is well evident that there is a leak somewhere. Just as mold needs a water source to grow and thrive, so does every harmful germ and pathogen. So is it more effective to always chase the germs or better to change the environment so they don’t have such a great place to thrive?
Do you have to do water flushing to be healthy? Nope. Many people have lived long lives without them. But in a world where real food is practically extinct, the body just isn’t getting the kinds of things that the old generations ate. It is difficult to find a food that has not been sprayed with some chemical or pesticide, or has not been processed, genetically altered or had something added to it. Here are some reasons you might consider the colon flush with water:
- If your diet contains meat, dairy or cheese.
- If your diet contains any kind of refined carbohydrates or bread.
- If you are on a health program that just doesn’t seem to be getting you well.
- If you require lots of supplements to get you by.
- You have a very serious health condition.
- If you like to do everything in your power to retain health and longevity.
Dr. Bernard Jensen was one of the first people to document the toxic waste that builds up in the colon in his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. “I coined the term mucoid plaque, meaning a film of mucus, to describe the unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines. Conventional medicine knows this as a layering of mucin or glycoproteins (made up of 20 amino acids and 50% carbohydrates) which are naturally and appropriately secreted by intestines as protection from acids and toxins.” The body forms this mucus as a protection mechanism to trap all the toxins and poisons that would otherwise circulate back into the body. But left in the body long enough, they become overly toxic and cause disease.
What you see in the photo below is not a normal stool sample but chunks of the mucoid passed from clients. Can you imagine how toxic that would be left inside your intestine?
If you are ready to eliminate the mucoid plaque, remember that the following instructions on flushing the colon with water are IN ADDITION to the products mentioned in the Colon Cleansing Blog (show below):
- Intestinal Cleanser 1 (one scoop in apple juice 1-3 times a day)
- Intestinal Cleanser 2 (eight capsules each day for 8 days)
- Bowel Stimulant (start with 1 each night, increase one capsule daily to bowel tolerance -meaning if you get diarrhea, back down one pill. Take as many as you can each evening without getting diarrhea).
- Lemonade-Master Cleanse (the body rarely releases mucoids unless you are fasting)
Colon flushing with water means water needs to be flushed into the colon. This is known as a high enema or a colema, the personal version of a colonic. While an enema delivers a small amount of solution that is retained and released, a colema delivers a continuous flow of water. As the water slowly runs into the colon, you hold it in the colon as long as possible. When no longer able to hold it, you release it into the toilet. The water does not stop running during this part, so after the release you slowly begin to accumulate water again and hold it as long as you can. This continues until 3-5 gallons have been flushed in and out of the colon. Each time you release the water and begin to retain it again, the water goes a little further up into the colon with hopes of getting as much of a complete flush as possible.
As you can see in the photos below, a special colema board is used to do the colon flush. The primary reason for the board is because the water must flow continuously into the colon, so you remain in a relaxed, slightly inclined postion with your bottom held against the part of the board over the toilet. The tip inserted into the rectum in a colema is actually smaller in diameter than a pencil and only inserts a couple of inches. Because of the amount of solution, the process can take up to 45 minutes depending on how fast you have the water flowing. A colema is much more thorough than an enema. Some say it takes seven enemas to get the results of one colema.
“It’s like changing the oil in your car,” says Guy Hopkins, the 60-year-old owner of The Spa Resort on the Thai island of Koh Samui, whose eyes glint with evangelical zeal when he talks about colonic irrigation. “If you don’t do it every so often, your body isn’t going to run that well. We constantly put the wrong fuel in our bodies and, sure, they keep on going, but cleanse yourself and you’ll be amazed how much better you’ll feel.”
- You will need a colema cleansing kit, which includes the board, bucket, hose and colema tip. You can investigate your own sources, but at the time this was written, the following website had the best deal and board – You can use it over and over, simply purchase extra tips for other people that might use the board. I DO NOT endorse the supplements, but the board and kit are a great deal.
- Water is the basic solution for flushing and you should start with clean well water or distilled water, never tap water with chlorine in it.
- You will desire a bit of lubricant, such as olive oil or KY jelly to put on the tip.
- A pillow and soft pad or old blanket to place on the board for added comfort is recommended…perhaps one you can dedicate to this project only.
- Perhaps a book or soft music as the process will take you 45-60 minutes to complete your flush.
- Situating the colema board. The colema board should have a hole in one end of it. This end will rest in a centered position over the toilet bowl. It is best to have the toilet seat raised. The other end of the board will rest on a solid chair. It is best to have a slight elevation on the end of the board that sits on the chair (perhaps an inch or two.) You will be lying on this board, so try to make a stable condition with your board and your chair. If your bathroom is too small to accommodate the colema setup as mentioned, you can use a 5 gallon bucket in the place of a toilet and simply empty the bucket when you are finished.
- Placing the water bucket. The water, which we will now refer to as solution should be situated so that the bottom of the bucket is anywhere from 20-40+ inches above the colema board. You will need a 3-5 gallon bucket. You may want to place your bucket in its position and then fill it with your solution rather than filling it first and having to lift the filled bucket to your desired position.
- Making your solution. You can do some research and use any solution you want. You will need to prepare at least three gallons total, but as many as five gallons are recommended if you have a bucket that will hold that amount. Most water temperatures for giving Colonics range from cool to very warm, but should be a comfortable temperature for the individual user. Warmer temperatures are generally best so they relax the intestinal muscle. You can test the solution temperature by putting some on your wrist, the way you might test a baby bottle, or stick your elbow in the water and see how it feels. You may use plain, pure water, one of the solutions I list below, or some other option you desire.
- Outfitting the board. You will be lying on the board for 45 minutes, maybe more, so you will want to create a comfortable position. Consider placing an old towel or blanket or pad on the board, but keep it 8-12 inches from the hole that is over the toilet. Place a pillow or two at the end of the board farthest from the toilet for your head.
- Final steps. When everything seems to be in position, put your lubricant (olive oil or KY jelly) in reaching distance from the board. Put the tip of the hose over the hole in the colema board and slowly open the bull clip allowing all the air to run out of the hose. When you see the solution emerging, shut the bull clip. Turn on your music or put your book on the pillow. You are now ready to lay on the board. The most important part is that you have your feet on the board on either side of the board (as seen in the photo) with your buttocks tightly sealed against the buttock support of the board over the toilet bowl. Before you get your final position, you will need to insert the tip into the rectum, but you should make sure you know just where your final position will be first. The water will be flowing into the rectum and colon and then eliminated into the toilet. When elimination occurs, you want the waste to flow down the opening into the toilet, not all over the board or on the floor. Get a tight fitting position and get comfortable, you are now ready to begin.
- Beginning the colema. The end of the hose should have a tip that is about 6 inches long. This is only inserted about 3 inches into the rectum. It may be wisest to place your fingers about three inches from the end of the tip, lubricate the tip a little bit and insert until your fingers meet your hind end. This way you assure you have not pushed the tip too far. To insert the entire tip may be fine for some, but for others it may push against the delicate intestinal lining causing irritation or even harm. You cannot insert the tip while your buttock is tight against the buttock support, so once the tip is inserted, position the hose between your legs. When ready, open the clamp to allow the solution to flow freely into the colon. Open it ever so slightly at first so you can acclimate to the experience without feeling too much stress.
- Relax, hold and eliminate. It does not work well if you do not relax. The goal is to hold the solution in the colon. You will slowly begin to feel the water accumulate. You will then have an urge to release it, like you have to go to the bathroom, but try and hold it as long as you can. When you can no longer hold it, release it into the toilet and then start to hold the water again. Adjust the water flow coming out of the bucket to your comfort. Continue to hold as long as possible and release until the contents of the bucket is spent.
- Helpful massage. Start massaging upward on the left side (descending colon). If you find tender, sore spots, continue to massage that area until the tenderness is gone. Continue upwards just below the ribs, then across just below the ribcage (transverse colon), and down the right side (ascending colon). Try to eliminate sensitive areas as you proceed.
Solution Options
- Warm water is the most original option, the most common. Just plain, clean water heated to a warm temperature. Remember, no city water with flouride in it! Clean well water or distilled water.
- Diluted coffee is the second solution. If you have a history of liver difficulties, joint problems, inflammation, pain, brown age spots, skin conditions or any chronic condition, you may want to use this option. Make two cups of coffee at regular strength as if you were going to drink it, making sure the coffee is steeped or perked, not instant. You will be adding these two cups of coffee to your 3-5 gallons of water, so it will be very diluted. If you have no adverse reactions, which means no pain of any kind, you may increase the amount of coffee in your next colema until up to half of your total solution is coffee. Keep in mind that the more coffee you use, the more “awake” you may be, so don’t do it at night if this will be a problem.
- Water and minced garlic is often used if you suspect a lot of parasites. There are a lot of people blaming all kinds of health conditions on parasites. A sign I might use to determine if you need this option would be rectal itching. If you have these symptoms, you might consider 6-10 cloves of garlic minced very small and then mixed into your bucket of water. Chunks of garlic could clog up your colema tube, so it is best to put the garlic in a blender with a cup or two of water, strain it after blending and put the water in your colema solution. Mix well! Concentrated garlic in the lining of the intestine will probably cause some irritation.
- Lugol’s iodine is another option. Some say it is the absolute best option for helping the body detach and remove the mucoid plaque linings. It will also draw any radiation from the body if you have had a lot of x-rays, CT scans, radiation therapy or been exposed to it at work or in the environment. Make sure you are not allergic to iodine. If you have no allergies to shellfish you are probably fine, actual iodine allergies are extremely rare. Start with just a teaspoon in the solution and increase to tablespoon, then increase one tablespoon each colema until you are using about 4-6 tablespoons in your solution.
What to expect from your colema
The effetiveness depends in large part to how much you have invested in your cleanse. Have you taken the four products mentioned above on a daily basis? That helps loosen things up. To really get the good effects, you will need to fast, you may use the Lemonade-Master cleanse as a guide for fasting. Do a colema every day of your fast if you can.
It is not unusual to pass rope-like material that is somewhat lengthy and elastic. Some of the success of the colema may depend on the massaging technique as that helps loosen waste from the intestinal wall. You may use an electric massager if you prefer. What to expect really depends on your level of curiosity or dedication to the process. Some people cannot fathom the process all together and just want it over and done with as soon as possible. But participation in your own process will make it more effective. The experienced and curious often put a colander in the toilet prior to the colema so they can analyze and confirm the effects of the process You should examine such debris carefully wearing protective gloves, but most use chop sticks of some small hook to investigate the possible mysteries. I know, to some of you, this sounds beyond barbaric, but keep in mind that there is nothing being eliminated that you did not first pass through your mouth. It can’t be that disgusting. If it is, you may want to consider what you are putting in your mouth and calling food.
If you are over thirty, look for a sticky Grey or Brown substance resembling the white of an egg or a jellyfish (unhealthy mucous). Do not flush the toilet during the entire Colonic, so you can see what comes out. If you have any kind of chronic ailment, you undoubtedly will have some black incrustations which may have been loosened by the products but cannot be eliminated because of twisted kinks in the colon. If there are no absolute blockages, these black incrustations may come out in small or large chunks, or as long ribbons, or as hard and tough pieces resembling pieces of truck tires you have seen on the highway, but smaller of course.
If you are unable to give yourself a Colema, contact a Colon Therapist (often referred to as colonics) who gives them, but make him/her give the massage too. Just running a mass of water into the colon is not wholly desirable (Massaging is preferable).
Good luck, and remember, all that nasty stuff is surely better out than in!!!